Smile For Me Wiki

"MMM, its a tasty mushr- O - Its just a nasty screw. Whoopz. i have seen three of theze around the Carnival. i could have sworn they wer tasty veggies... if u squint, they shape is per-fect."'

— Fortune Teller Carla


The Screw is one of the ingredients in Jimothan's Special, the "Food, Sort Of" that is needed to complete both Jimothan and Parsley's questlines.

Airhorn - Bathroom Key - Camera - Certificate of Good Fortune - Certificate of Ill Fortune - Cigarettes - Detector - Diary Pages - Dissolved Record - Drink - Erythronium Seed - Fishin' Rod - Flashy Cam - Flower Seeds - Fortune Coupon - Glove Hand - Hand - Janitor's ID - Jimmy's Recipe - Jimothan's Special - Kiss - Lipstick - Locket - Maynard - Megaphone - Mystery Hat - Paintings - Palette - Pastey Brush - Pickl' Jar - Pocket Mirror - Punchin' Glove - Quiktranslate - Rubber Duck - Screw - Seductive Specs - Shears - Shiny Lil' Quarter - Stopwatch - Strongest Mask - Tent Patch - Toilet Teeth - Toof Brush - Tooth Lily - Trowel - Y'owl