The Resignation Letter is a note left by Kamal for Dr. Habit, and can be found in the Boiler Room near Trevor. While the item serves no purpose gameplay wise, it gives better insight into how Habit's decline was affecting those around him.
Items |
Airhorn - Bathroom Key - Camera - Certificate of Good Fortune - Certificate of Ill Fortune - Cigarettes - Detector - Diary Pages - Dissolved Record - Drink - Erythronium Seed - Fishin' Rod - Flashy Cam - Flower Seeds - Fortune Coupon - Glove Hand - Hand - Janitor's ID - Jimmy's Recipe - Jimothan's Special - Kiss - Lipstick - Locket - Maynard - Megaphone - Mystery Hat - Paintings - Palette - Pastey Brush - Pickl' Jar - Pocket Mirror - Punchin' Glove - Quiktranslate - Rubber Duck - Screw - Seductive Specs - Shears - Shiny Lil' Quarter - Stopwatch - Strongest Mask - Tent Patch - Toilet Teeth - Toof Brush - Tooth Lily - Trowel - Y'owl |