Smile For Me Wiki



Pallette or Josephine Wilkins is a tall girl singer whom the player finds in the Carnival, she wears a long dress that is worn at concerts, a fluffy scarf (I forgot what it is called ;-(), a brooch, and black shoes (They are blue on the outline , but I outlined it so that it was like the cannon style “Smile for me” ;-)). Long curly hair, dark chestnut color, with a white streak (Fan fact: her hair has been curly since birth :-0)

When you meet her, she is standing without a brooch, and asks you to find it; you can find the brooch using a metal detector. When you give her the brooch, she will give you a hair tie in return.



At the age of 6, she began to become interested in singing, and at the age of 7, she went to a music school to study vocals. But there was one problem, the girl was afraid to speak in public, and that’s how she developed Glossophobia. She tried to overcome her fear, but it was all in vain :'-(

At the age of 16, she started dating a girl, but they broke up for an unknown reason, then she started dating a guy, but they also broke up for an unknown reason. At the age of 19, she went abroad, studied there, three years after the appearance of Habitat, she went there, but did not say that she could sing. She met some very wonderful guys like Tiff Webber, Kamal Bora, Putunia Mollar, Lulia Fame and Nat Vancеy


Her gender is non-binary (they/them), but she prefers she/her

Uncertain age[]

Some Habitat residents say that she is 25 years old, or even 30 years old, but she did not say her age, and keeps it a secret (But she said that her age is between 20 and 40 years old)

Relation to Habiticians[]

Dallas Smuth - Familiar person, maybe they are friends, maybe not. Josephine’s attitude towards Dallas is normal, we communicated often

Mirphy Fotoparat - Familiar person, Mirfhy was very strange for Josephine, they even communicated occasionally

Nat Vancеy - Friend, she and Nat became very good friends, despite the fact that they are 100% different.

Lulia Fame - Friend, Josephine often cheered up Lilia, after that they did not communicate at all, but remained good friends

Ronbo - An acquaintance, Ronbo and Josephine have never communicated, so her attitude towards him is neutral

Millie Coulro - To Josephine, Millie is just an ordinary bully, treats Millie neutrally

Trencil Varnnia - An acquaintance, they often talked about flowers (Josephine really liked flowers ;-)), her attitude towards Trencil is normal, one might say, they are almost friends

Trevor Garbo - An acquaintance, Trevor and Josephine only communicated once, and even then, Trevor was too strange for her, so her relationship with him is neutral

Gillis Soco - An acquaintance, Gillis was a pleasant conversationalist for Josephine, her relationship with him was normal

Putunia Mollar - Friend, Josephine thinks Putunia is very sweet, but she doesn’t tell her that, she doesn’t want to offend her <3 Her relationship with Putunia is normal

Gerry Podunk - I’ll be honest, Gerry is nothing to Josephine, he’s just a fraud for her, so her attitude towards him is neutral

Parsley Botch - Familiar?? Parsley was not very sociable with Josephine, she has nothing to do with him, he is just strange..

Jimothan Botch - He is nobody to her, just a strange person.

Tiff Webber - Friend, Tiff and Josephine immediately found something in common with each other, her relationship with Tiff is normal

Jerafina Tabouli - Familiar, Josephine always saw Jerafina drunk, her attitude towards her is neutral

Randy Hapukurk - Two words - he's weird

Wallus Breadbear - Who????

Marv Truncler - I dont really know х-(

Questionette - ???

Borbra Luddington - Familiar?? Borbra behaves very strangely, Josephine is neutral towards her

Tim Tam - Josephine has nothing to do with Tim Tam, they are scary :-(

Kamal Bora - Best (?) friends, Josephine and Kamal immediately found common interests, albeit only 50% :-D
