"some1 must hav lost this. or wors. stolen?? wel... just wait 4 someone 2 ask for it, ya - u can b the Lost n found."'
The Mystery Hat is Questionette's hat, which was buried under the tree in the Carnival. Based on Fortune Teller Carla's comment, it is likely Tim Tam stole the hat and buried it.
Items |
Airhorn - Bathroom Key - Camera - Certificate of Good Fortune - Certificate of Ill Fortune - Cigarettes - Detector - Diary Pages - Dissolved Record - Drink - Erythronium Seed - Fishin' Rod - Flashy Cam - Flower Seeds - Fortune Coupon - Glove Hand - Hand - Janitor's ID - Jimmy's Recipe - Jimothan's Special - Kiss - Lipstick - Locket - Maynard - Megaphone - Mystery Hat - Paintings - Palette - Pastey Brush - Pickl' Jar - Pocket Mirror - Punchin' Glove - Quiktranslate - Rubber Duck - Screw - Seductive Specs - Shears - Shiny Lil' Quarter - Stopwatch - Strongest Mask - Tent Patch - Toilet Teeth - Toof Brush - Tooth Lily - Trowel - Y'owl |