"Breathe through your teeth."'
— Martha
(This page contains late-game and story spoilers, read at your own risk!)
Martha is a large machine in the shape of grinning red lips with teeth. Located in the Carnival, Martha is the key component of The Big Event as she produces nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas. This gas is described by the Habiticians in the 11/22 ending, also referred to as the Collage ending, as sweet smelling, with Randy in particular describing the scent as "like coins and candy!" The remaining Habiticians show signs of nausea, lightheadedness, dizziness, hallucinations, and chills, all side effects of nitrious oxide[1]. The player also experiences sound distortions, hallucinations, dizziness, and fatigue, which adds to the unsettling atmosphere.
Should the Flower Kid choose to push Dr. Habit off the balcony at the end of the game, he will fall into the smokestack, destroying Martha and presumably killing Dr. Habit.
At some point before the game, heavy rain caused Martha's teeth to rust, leading to Dr. Habit to use all the toothbrushes in the Habitat to clean them.
- Gerry Podunk has a crush on her.
- According to Gerry, she is "the vain type."
- Martha seems to get her name from a student Dr. Habit went to school with who would mock him, Habit presumed, because of his missing teeth.