"O!!! LOOQ!!! Dad's flower seed!!! u should plant it and make it happee.... i bet it would make a "certain someone" so very happee ;-) a "certain someone" who hasn't been happy in years........"'
The Erythronium Seed is obtained from Millie Coulro after completing her questline. Can be planted on the windowsill of the player's room; requires a Drink, a Kiss, and the Pastey Brush to grow into a Tooth Lily.
Millie says that she found it near the boilers, and that it probably belonged to Dr. Habit at some point. If the Tooth Lily is given to Habit, he admits that he thought he destroyed all of the seeds.
Items |
Airhorn - Bathroom Key - Camera - Certificate of Good Fortune - Certificate of Ill Fortune - Cigarettes - Detector - Diary Pages - Dissolved Record - Drink - Erythronium Seed - Fishin' Rod - Flashy Cam - Flower Seeds - Fortune Coupon - Glove Hand - Hand - Janitor's ID - Jimmy's Recipe - Jimothan's Special - Kiss - Lipstick - Locket - Maynard - Megaphone - Mystery Hat - Paintings - Palette - Pastey Brush - Pickl' Jar - Pocket Mirror - Punchin' Glove - Quiktranslate - Rubber Duck - Screw - Seductive Specs - Shears - Shiny Lil' Quarter - Stopwatch - Strongest Mask - Tent Patch - Toilet Teeth - Toof Brush - Tooth Lily - Trowel - Y'owl |