"sum1 whos' so embarrassed that they're all red would soooo ttly like this."'
The Certificate of Good Fortune is a tattered sheet of paper with a fortune written on it.
It is obtained from Fortune Teller Carla at the Carnival when giving them the Fortune Coupon when their crystal ball is glowing. To do this, it must be midday, and the shears must be used on the tent patch to open a window for light to hit the crystal ball.
Items |
Airhorn - Bathroom Key - Camera - Certificate of Good Fortune - Certificate of Ill Fortune - Cigarettes - Detector - Diary Pages - Dissolved Record - Drink - Erythronium Seed - Fishin' Rod - Flashy Cam - Flower Seeds - Fortune Coupon - Glove Hand - Hand - Janitor's ID - Jimmy's Recipe - Jimothan's Special - Kiss - Lipstick - Locket - Maynard - Megaphone - Mystery Hat - Paintings - Palette - Pastey Brush - Pickl' Jar - Pocket Mirror - Punchin' Glove - Quiktranslate - Rubber Duck - Screw - Seductive Specs - Shears - Shiny Lil' Quarter - Stopwatch - Strongest Mask - Tent Patch - Toilet Teeth - Toof Brush - Tooth Lily - Trowel - Y'owl |